yawn (Noun)
المعنى باللغة الانجليزية (Meaning):
an involuntary intake of breath through a wide open mouth; usually triggered by fatigue or boredom
الكتابة الصوتية (Transcription):
He apologized for his constant yawn.
اعتذر عن تثاؤبه المستمر.
The yawn he heard between the audience told him it was time to stop.
سماعه للتثاؤب بين الجمهور أعلمه بأن الوقت قد حان للتوقف.
She could not suppress her yawn.
لم تستطع حبس تثاؤبها.
He tried to conceal his yawn with his hands.
حاول إخفاء تثاؤبه بيديه.
The little boy gave a huge yawn.
تثاءب الولد الصغير تثاؤباً كبيراً.