The baby's cheeks are so cute.
خدّا الطقل لطيفان جداً.
They kept pinching my cheeks.
استمروا في قرص خدّي.
She was so embarrassed that her ckeeks turned red.
شَعرَت بالخجل الشديد حتى احمَّرَّ خدّاها.
The clown's cheeks are dyed red.
خّدا المهرج مصبوغتان باللون الأحمر.
Apply blush on your cheeks.
ضعي أحمر الخدود على خدّيك.
If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek.
cheek to cheek
"بل من لطمك على خدك الأيمن فحول له الآخر أيضاً" خد على خد (دليل على قرب المسافة بين شخصين)
Don't hit him back. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek.
I saw them dancing cheek to cheek.
Old Englishcē(a)ce, cēoce 'cheek, jaw', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch kaak.